Education Coup

coup [koo] noun: a highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move. --Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Knowledge for its own sake: Part 2

"It seems to me that education which appeals to the desire for wealth (marks, prizes, scholarships or the like), or to the desire of excelling (as in the taking of places, etc.), or to any other of the natural desires, except that for knowledge, destroys the balance of character, and, what is even more fatal, destroys by inanition that desire for and delight in knowledge which is meant for our joy and enrichment through the whole of life."

--Charlotte Mason, "Books and Things"
From the book Home and School Education

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Blogger Judd said...

There have been periods in history where folks enjoyed a golden age and were able to live day to day with few worries. In those days it seems like it would have been easy for these folks to view knowledge as an end itself. There have also been periods in history where folks toiled day in and day out just to survive. These folks viewed knowledge as a means to an end (housing, food, etc.). I know I will be booo'd for trying to categorize all of humanity into two groups, but doesn't it seem like we are in a time where people NEED knowledge because of what that knowledge can get them... such as provision for their family?

Let me know if I need to explain myself more.

5:26 PM  

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